Home > Another $200 Offer (Just for Me)

Another $200 Offer (Just for Me)

June 3rd, 2014 at 08:48 pm

I received an offer from US Bank to open a checking account with direct deposit of at least $500 and receive $200. There are a lot of details and deadlines. For example if I don't open the account by the end of this month the offer drops to $150.

I might actually do this offer because I think that increased income that will come with promotion could easily be the direct deposit! For now, I'm going to wait until promotion comes through and I hear when the new pay actually starts. This may mean I miss out on $50. I don't have to keep the account open very long either, so it would be in just long enough to get the bonus money.

Our mortgage payment for June posted. Our principal portion was $464.60. We also include $103.72 towards principal. The number is odd, but the whole payment is even! We have now surpassed paying down more than 50% of our $13,992 goal for 2014, with $7,425.45 paid towards principal. It is nice to see the plan working!

Have you dipped in for a checking or savings account offer recently? How much debt have you already paid in June? Are you exceeding a financial goal you have for the year?

I wrote about my plans for running errands on

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Your Organized Friend, but make sure you read the comments on that one, too! Tomorrow I will have a post about getting organized as school winds down for the year. Remember you can sign up to get email updates for my blog at anytime!

2 Responses to “Another $200 Offer (Just for Me)”

  1. Susan Says:

    Be careful with opening up an account for a short term-some banks charge an "early closure" penalty varies but please check into it- i would hate to see you get an awesome bonus and then "lose " part of it with a penalty...

    Lucky..I never seem to get any good offers..


  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Thanks Susan. I always read the fine print, so I will keep a look out for that!

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