Home > Ack! Expenses Popping Up

Ack! Expenses Popping Up

May 22nd, 2014 at 11:17 pm

In the last four days expenses have popped up, one I was aware of and two I was not. Marching band expenses to be specific.

First, band camp is $50 and covers various things. I knew this one was coming...although I was forgetting about it truthfully. This fee is due June 6.

The second expense is a result of my daughter being chosen as a section leader for band. She is required to attend a leadership conference in July as a result. This is $55 and due May 30.

And finally, the big band trip for spring break 2015 has been announced. They are going to Walt Disney World. A deposit of $200 is due June 2. The entire trip is estimated to be $1,599, with fundraising opportunities available. We also have a little money, likely less than $50, in her account from past fundraisers that will be applied.

Ack! That is $305, which I had nearly zero advance warning about. A little irritated. I have the money, but what about parents who might have an issue with the short notice. I suppose they may make accommodations.

Have you had any big unexpected expenses pop up this week? Are you expenses due soon? Did you go on a trip when you were in school?

3 Responses to “Ack! Expenses Popping Up”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    See my dentist post. Must start up the ebay machine.

  2. PNW Mom Says:

    I went on a school trip in 7th grade....Oahu Hawaii! It wasn't for anything specific, but we did have to take an elective course and we learned all about the island. It was alot of fun!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Wow! That is a lot of unexpected expenses. Good thing for your snowflakes. Smile

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