I was reading my old posts and found this one still applies. I posted it March 14, 2008. It's just a reminder that financial security and goals are a journey.
I recently went to my local indoor botanical garden. That experience made me think that gardening has many aspects that relate to money, budgeting and investing.
1. All plants start small...a seed.
It's okay to start saving with small amounts, because one day those savings will bloom.
2. A garden requires maintenance.
Just like pulling weeds to help the plants to grow, a budget needs to be tweaked to cut expenses or increase savings. Money maintenance comes in all forms, including reading your bills, bank and investment statements. Investments need to be rebalanced from time to time to keep your portfolio diversified.
3. A garden doesn't grow overnight.
Paying off debt or saving for retirement take time and patience. Little by little the garden flourishes.
4. A garden requires more than seeds.
A flower needs soil, water and sunlight. For money to work well in our lives, we need to have the right spending attitudes, cash flow, communication with our partner as well as the ability to know what our goals are.
5. Flowers and vegetables can be shared with others.
Some of your money is available to be given away. The smile and appreciation of others is worth the effort.
What else does a garden teach you about money and your budget? Do you have an old post that still applies today?
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May 20th, 2014 at 01:43 pm
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