Home > Wells Fargo Amex Arrived

Wells Fargo Amex Arrived

May 13th, 2014 at 03:10 pm

Our new Wells Fargo American Express card arrived in the mail yesterday. It was shipped from the next state over thus the prompt receipt. We have already used it!

Our gym membership was expiring. We paid $750 a year and half ago and our last day for the membership was yesterday. We finally got a sales person to assist us last night. I say finally because it seemed every time we inquired in the last month, no one was there to help. We had been mailed a renewal offer of $750 for 12 months, rather than 18 months like our original deal. The sales guy tried to offer us two years for $998. Sure that sounds like a better deal, but it is MORE money and the odds are very slim we will still be in this town for another 2 years let alone 15 months. After much discussion and indicating we would go work out and talk about it, the tune suddenly changed to adding 6 months to our current offer. So same deal we had the first time we signed up. Honestly, I was hoping for LESS than $750. I really tried with the guy and I think I did get us what is right for us. I won't need to pay any more money before we move...unless we don't move (but I think the odds of that are slim). At any rate, we charged our gym membership to the new Wells Fargo card. Well on our way to $3000 in spending, with something we needed to purchase anyway.

I do have an email in to Wells Fargo to confirm that previous Amex reward offers won't exclude us from this one. The card is in my husband's name, thus the email rather than a call. I could have him call, but he would just be confused about the whole reason I'm having him call! We decided to use the card even if we are exempt from the rewards. My gut says we will get the rewards since this is technically a Wells Fargo program, rather than an Amex program.

Do you prepay your gym membership? Or do you pay monthly?

5 Responses to “Wells Fargo Amex Arrived”

  1. Kiki Says:

    I am interested in the Amex answer. I have the Amex blue but rarely use it. I infer if they will still give the rewards.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Kiki, I will let you know when I hear. The customer service line for the card was prompt but had to refer me to the rewards center, where they have auto replied letting me know to look for an answer in THREE business days!

  3. PNW Mom Says:

    We pay monthly....$59 for the 2 of us...we got a great deal as they were having a special for former members. However,the club we belong to is smaller than their "bigger" location that has pool, spa or sauna ect...we do have every kind of equipment available though and they do offer many classes....the bigger one is farther from us and we would probably never use it.....since our location is smaller, it closes earlier than the big one....9:30 on week nights and 6:00 on weekends...after certain hours, we can go use the other one for no extra fee, but we really aren't into working out from 9pm to 11pm...ha ha

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    I updated some information on my blog about the Wells Fargo Amex offer
    Text is here and Link is

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    @PNW Mom, our deal works out to just over $40 a month combined for 18 months. Not bad at all, we do have access to a pool (which we tend not to use) and a sauna (which I do like to use!) I also wouldn't be working out after 9pm either.

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