I spent a portion of my afternoon pricing all those items in my basement that I have set aside for a garage sale. The sale will be next Saturday. I will still need to price the pile in my garage. I also expect there will be a few more things we find in the house to let go of. I will have the girls look at a few things today after school that I think they have outgrown. I also have a toolbox I need my husband to look through.
It does feel good to be letting go of some stuff. It really does help to dig deep when getting ready for a garage sale. That is likely where the stuff you don't need is lurking!
This is the first sale I have had in our new home and since it is city wide, I expect a good turn out traffic wise. I don't know what kinds of things people buy around here. It will be interesting to see! I'm also curious about how much my snowflake will be.
We have a music event tomorrow which will require about $7 or $8 to for admittance. I also have a feeling lunch out would be helpful for all of us because of the timing. Mother's Day will be low key. Just spending time together and getting some projects done is likely the plan for the day. I don't expect any gifts, as my husband has been out of town. I'm not sure it is even on his radar! I'm all good either way. I might be able to get him to get groceries with the kids though.
Will you have a garage sale this year? Does your place get good traffic, or are you in a bad sale location? Will you celebrate Mother's Day, or are you keeping things low key, like me?
Pricing for the Garage Sale
May 9th, 2014 at 09:41 pm
May 9th, 2014 at 09:51 pm 1399668683
Good luck with your yard sale. We found toys and children's clothes sold good but adult clothes were donated to thrift store. Tools were money makers but household appliances weren't. Any big ticket items sold better on ebay or craigslist. And I wasn't going to offer advice!
May 9th, 2014 at 09:55 pm 1399668908
May 9th, 2014 at 11:08 pm 1399673292
In our area kids clothes, toys and sport equipment, DVDs, sell well.
May 9th, 2014 at 11:22 pm 1399674139
May 10th, 2014 at 01:23 am 1399681409
Once I get to NE I plan on going garage saling - looking for books to sell on eBay and seeing if I find any good stereo equipment for my bf to resell.
May 10th, 2014 at 01:42 am 1399682564
May 10th, 2014 at 05:49 am 1399697390
I always price a little cheaper than I think something is worth, and even then I'm willing to negotiate, especially if people want a discount for buying multiple items. We do a 2-day sale and the last half of the 2nd day, we offer steeper and steeper discounts. The last hour, we let people fill a bag with clothes and toys for a dollar. Then the Goodwill truck comes the next day and picks up everything else.
May 10th, 2014 at 08:20 pm 1399749615