Home > Pricing for the Garage Sale

Pricing for the Garage Sale

May 9th, 2014 at 09:41 pm

I spent a portion of my afternoon pricing all those items in my basement that I have set aside for a garage sale. The sale will be next Saturday. I will still need to price the pile in my garage. I also expect there will be a few more things we find in the house to let go of. I will have the girls look at a few things today after school that I think they have outgrown. I also have a toolbox I need my husband to look through.

It does feel good to be letting go of some stuff. It really does help to dig deep when getting ready for a garage sale. That is likely where the stuff you don't need is lurking!

This is the first sale I have had in our new home and since it is city wide, I expect a good turn out traffic wise. I don't know what kinds of things people buy around here. It will be interesting to see! I'm also curious about how much my snowflake will be. Smile

We have a music event tomorrow which will require about $7 or $8 to for admittance. I also have a feeling lunch out would be helpful for all of us because of the timing. Mother's Day will be low key. Just spending time together and getting some projects done is likely the plan for the day. I don't expect any gifts, as my husband has been out of town. I'm not sure it is even on his radar! I'm all good either way. Smile I might be able to get him to get groceries with the kids though.

Will you have a garage sale this year? Does your place get good traffic, or are you in a bad sale location? Will you celebrate Mother's Day, or are you keeping things low key, like me?

8 Responses to “Pricing for the Garage Sale”

  1. korihor69 Says:

    Must tell on myself. Years ago I purchased a new youth set of golf clubs for my oldest grandson for $69. A few years later his dad was having a garage sale, he decided to sell the clubs. Along come next oldest grandson who wanted the clubs. He had no money, so I loaned him $30 to purchase them knowing I wasn't going to get repaid. It's probably deals like this that got me in trouble financially.

    Good luck with your yard sale. We found toys and children's clothes sold good but adult clothes were donated to thrift store. Tools were money makers but household appliances weren't. Any big ticket items sold better on ebay or craigslist. And I wasn't going to offer advice!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    I think you are 'right on' with that g sale advice. I sometimes price items for what they will sell on ebay or craigslist, knowing I can later list them. I'm also willing to negotiate if priced too high. I've also priced lots of things cheap!

  3. snafu Says:

    Most folks figure the stuff being sold at yard sales is stuff you want gone. You'll know by your 1st few gamers if you've priced too high, they won't even try to negotiate. I found it's most successful to price items at what I would pay at a yard sale. You really need a good sense of humor as people say really rude things. Do they believe if they say something really negative about your stuff you'll want to sell a really fun game for 10 cents?

    In our area kids clothes, toys and sport equipment, DVDs, sell well.

  4. PNWMom Says:

    No garage sale this year....not enough stuff. Kids stuff usually sells well in our area and furniture too..... Mother's Day we DH and I are taking his mom on a 2 hour scenic train trip with brunch. She is turning 80 on Sunday so this combines her Mother's Day gift and her birthday....DH says it is for me too. Both my college girls are out of town, but that's ok.......I expect to hear from them on Sunday....I don't want gifts from them....I would rather they save their money Smile DH may get me some flowers and we may go out to dinner.

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    The local thrift store here is going to be having a yard sale on the 30th - two days after I leave. Smile They've been asking for donations, and I'm working on finding things to donate!

    Once I get to NE I plan on going garage saling - looking for books to sell on eBay and seeing if I find any good stereo equipment for my bf to resell. Smile

  6. creditcardfree Says:

    @FT, I suppose that works out well to know the thrift store wants your stuff right before you leave. The less you have to move the better I would think. Shopping garage sales can really help you get to know a new town!

  7. ceejay74 Says:

    We don't have a garage or yard, but our friend is having her biannual sale and we can put our items in if we pay for part of ads and signs, and work at least one of the days. It's at the end of May, so I'm really going to encourage my family to go through every closet, drawer and room and pull out things we don't want to bother moving to a new home!

    I always price a little cheaper than I think something is worth, and even then I'm willing to negotiate, especially if people want a discount for buying multiple items. We do a 2-day sale and the last half of the 2nd day, we offer steeper and steeper discounts. The last hour, we let people fill a bag with clothes and toys for a dollar. Then the Goodwill truck comes the next day and picks up everything else.

  8. rob62521 Says:

    There is something about clearing out, isn't there. Hope your sale is a success.

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