Home > More Ebay Sales

More Ebay Sales

May 5th, 2014 at 03:39 pm

I have three items to take to the post office this morning that I sold on Ebay. My daughter profited $22.57 for selling a set of six books. I profited $16.12 for selling a book, three cds and two dvds. She did better than I did! But I will take that profit and send it to the mortgage of course.

I relisted one item and listed three new items last night on Ebay. I have two more items I hope to get listed today or tomorrow. I sure like that I'm moving much of this stuff on to others.

I had a $15 coupon from Ebay last week. Some promotion. I used it to buy a hair product for my daughter that is being discountinued. It was priced at $14.99 and free shipping. Which means it was really free for us. I suppose it is a bit like getting a rebate on some of the Ebay fees I have paid over the years!

If you are interested in how I organize my gift wrap, you can see a post about that today on

Text is Your Organized Friend and Link is
Your Organized Friend. It is mostly pictures! And just another reminder, that if you want an email update when I post on my organizing blog, there is an option on the sidebar to sign up.

Did you get that Ebay coupon? Did you sell anything this weekend, or find anything to donate? How do you keep your gift wrap organized?

4 Responses to “More Ebay Sales”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I keep all the flat wrap, bags, bows, ribbons etc. in a cardboard storage box, with inner boxes for the bows & ribbons. The long rolls I keep in a garment bag.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    CB, a garment bag for the rolls of paper. That is very clever. Smile

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I sold another movie today on eBay! It was the last one I had of that particular title and it went for the BIN price. I actually made a little on that one. Smile After work I walked to the post office and mailed it.

  4. CB in the City Says:

    Yeah, I read that tip somewhere. It wasn't my idea!

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