Home > Cash In & Basement Tidier

Cash In & Basement Tidier

May 4th, 2014 at 03:46 pm

Cash in the mail yesterday! A check from Chase Southwest for the $69 annual fee we paid on a card we cancelled within the first two months. I also received an Applebee's gift card from a friend. It was her way of thanking me for helping her pack for her move. I will save the gift card for a night when I don't want to cook or a night out with my husband.

Do you save your receipts for items you purchase? I do. I wrote about how I keep them from taking over on

Text is Your Organized Friend and Link is
Your Organized Friend. I also have a couple AFTER pictures of my basement shelves in
Text is today's post and Link is
today's post. I still have work to do, but things are improving!

I sold an item on Ebay, as did my daughter. I also have three auctions ending today. Two have bids, so those will sell. I expect to list at least another three or four items later today.

Did you get any money in your mail yesterday? Are you still decluttering and organizing this month?

7 Responses to “Cash In & Basement Tidier”

  1. Buendia Says:

    I do something similar to your receipt method (monthly envelope and purge!), except I have a file folder for receipts for major purchases (furniture, kitchen items, computers, printers, etc.) which I keep until I sell or donate the item. That's mainly for insurance purposes. I would like to organize those, and have organized them at various times, but right now they go in a file box at my office (which is remote from the house).

  2. snafu Says:

    You do a terrific job of managing your household. I hope you give yourself lots of rewards.

    Since the research says 80% of retained paperwork is never needed again, I've focussed on the easiest way to manage the 20% with a criteria based on our past experience. We've found it efficient to slide product manuals into a page protector corralled in a repurposed 'D' ring binder with the receipt stapled inside the cover. When ever I add a new manual I try to purge any no longer needed.

    Like you, I use plastic boxes [shelf #3] but find it helpful to keep, book-like standing on edge. Would you consider using different coloured lids as identifiers? For example, DH and DKs can always find the Christmas stuff as bins all have red lids or labels on red paper when bins are not practical.

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    I did! Got $100 from Citi, the last credit card reward we're expecting for a while. I've started transferring every snowflake immediately into savings no matter what size. Smile

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    Buendia, I just went through receipts of purchases and saw we paid $308 with tax for our kitchen table 18 years ago. We just sold that set last month for $ I guess that works out to less than $10 a year for the use of it. Smile

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    @snafu, I don't think we need color coded bins, we tend to label them on the outside. I don't think I can put the bins on their sides, as the lids are wider and they wouldn't lay flat on their sides...if that makes sense. I do LIKE the idea though.

    I also like the way you deal with manuals. A file folder isn't always the best, but I find it is actually pretty rare to even need the manual for most things.

  6. creditcardfree Says:

    @ceejay, I like your plan to put ALL your snowflakes in savings! Smile

  7. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I like several of the organizational ideas above -- I really need to do better at keeping track of receipts for larger purchases and the owners manuals.

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