Home > Mortgage Goal 2014 Update

Mortgage Goal 2014 Update

May 1st, 2014 at 01:06 pm

Time is going fast! We have already made it through four months of 2014. Time for an status update on our mortgage goal. As a reminder the goal is to pay down $13,993 in principal by the end of the year. This would bring us to an even balance on our mortgage of $X15,000.

We are making our regular payment and rounding that payment up to include about $103 towards principal at the beginning of the month. At mid month, we are sending in an additional $275 towards principal. All the extra funds we find, which I call snowflakes, are sent to the mortgage to help us reach our goal. Those snowflakes really add up and make a difference.

Here's all the payments that were made to our mortgage in the month of April:

As of April 30, we have paid $5,538.82 towards reducing our mortgage balance. That is 39.5% of our goal so we are ahead of schedule right now! We have just another $8,454.17 to go in order to meet the goal.

Today on

Text is Your Organized Friend and Link is
Your Organized Friend, I have another AFTER picture of my basement organization. But you also get to see another pile that is forming! Ack. Smile

What percentage of your financial goal have you completed during the first four months of the year? Are you on track or behind? How did your decluttering go for April? Will you continue in May?

3 Responses to “Mortgage Goal 2014 Update”

  1. Bob B. Says:

    That's very cool.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Thanks, Bob!

  3. Shiela Says:

    Amazing job!

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