Home > Big Snowflake

Big Snowflake

April 22nd, 2014 at 12:29 pm

We are using those gift cards we redeemed from our Southwest Rapids Rewards bonus. I have used $150 worth at Walmart. My husband bought a tablet from Amazon this weekend and used $100 gift cards. The tablet is a splurge, and a promotion gift. He hasn't been promoted yet, but the man rarely wants for anything, so when he seemed to be wishing for one, I suggested he just get it. The price was a lower than we were seeing in stores.

So with those gift cards used, I need to match the spending with money sent to our mortgage. In this case, $250! I will use $150 from current spending and $100 from savings to be replaced with my husband's first check at promotion (which is likely June).

I made another Ebay sale, which I need to ship today. I also made another $20 from a referral to Ooma. More cash!! Love it.

I'm still painting today. It will be a beautiful day, and I hope during coats one and two I can get out and take a walk in honor of Earth Day. Maybe I can take a bag with me and pick up some trash? Will you do anything to honor the Earth on this day?

2 Responses to “Big Snowflake”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I am taking batteries to a recycling event.

  2. snafu Says:

    So nice DH ordered the tablet he wanted. Does it really matter which on paper category it's attributed? I can’t get DH interested in finance. His eyes glaze over as I try to outline end of month status. End of March I didn’t attempt to report, he didn’t ask and it seemed to go by un noticed. Any suggestions/advice?

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