Home > Yes, Discover!

Yes, Discover!

April 7th, 2014 at 05:29 pm

There is lots of good news this morning. I logged on to my husband's Discover account and found his $150 bonus was applied. I have already requested direct deposit. No need for gift cards since I did just order $550 worth from our Southwest rewards on Friday.

Our city emailed me back this morning with our water bill amount. It was $79.29 and will be withdrawn from our account on Thursday. I usually allocate $95 for water (which actually includes a sewer debt payment, and trash). I think I will send the $15.71 difference to the mortgage as a snowflake. Smile

Our daughter returned home from her Washington DC trip last night. She is so tired from early mornings. She sure didn't want to get up this morning. But she did it! She left here with $60 of her own money for spending. She bought a t shirt, a post card, and some snacks/food. She came home with nearly $15. She even mentioned looking at a magnet to buy that was 2x3 inches for $6. She thought it was overpriced, so she skipped buying it! I do like the T shirt she picked out.

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Here's a link to the latest decluttering at our house on Your Organized Friend. Today I need to finish that project up by tackling this bin:

I don't really want to work on it, but I'm hoping it will go fast once I get going. I may time myself and see how long it really takes. Do you ever find yourself procrastinating a job because it seems like it will take a long time, but then you do it and realize it didn't take long at all? Strange phenomena.

7 Responses to “Yes, Discover!”

  1. Debt-free by Thir-ty Says:

    Congrats on the Discover bonus and glad to see your daughter is picking up solid financial habitsSmile
    And absolutely! I often spend more time dreading a task than actually completing it...

  2. doingitallwrong Says:

    Procrastination (combined with lack of discipline) is really the root of almost all of my troubles! I don't know if you're familiar with the Fly Lady, but her thing is that you can do anything for 15 minutes at a time -- and often, in less than that. I started using a timer for various tasks (not only decluttering and organizing, but even cleaning the kitchen, folding and putting away the laundry, etc.). In most cases, unless I'd let things go for far too long, whatever I needed to do took fewer than 15 minutes -- and I had put off doing them because I figured I'd need a half an hour or more!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Glad to hear your daughter had a good time on her DC trip!

    I find on some jobs, it hardly takes any time to complete them, but I just feel like doing other things. Then on other jobs, the longer I procrastinate on doing them (i.e. shredding documents) the bigger the job gets. So .. it really depends on what the job is. Smile

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    Oh man, I went to sign NT up for the Southwest bonus card, and I'm only finding spend $1K get 25K points! I wonder if I just missed getting the big bonus offers for him and AS. Will have to look around some more ...

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    @ceejay, it is true there isn't as good of a Southwest deal right now. I would wait until the 50,000 comes back, since you can't double dip on Southwest...although you can apply and get rewards for each TYPE of Southwest card. I hope that helps and makes sense. Smile

  6. ceejay74 Says:

    I did find a link to the old 50K offer, so I clicked it and applied for NT. Will check when we get the card to make sure it IS the 50K offer, not the 25K...

  7. creditcardfree Says:

    If you find out that the offer is good...send me the link!!

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