I already know what my snowflake goal is for 2014. It is big! Last year, my initial plan for snowflakes, or money from non income sources, was just $750. I actually exceeded that goal by 4.5 times!! I just wanted that $750 saved for Christmas. I hit that amount in early June. It seems flakes snowballed from there. I would say primarily from credit card bonus rewards. Who knew I would jump on that?!
So the big 2014 snowflake goal is $4000.00. No that isn't a typo! This will be about a 17% increase in my 2013 total, which I will disclose and update at year end. It does feel like a big goal. A stretch for sure, but I really do believe that big goals can be reached, and so often exceeded!
This year, I will be putting all snowflakes towards paying down our mortgage balance. I will still save for Christmas, but that money will come from our regular income. I didn't need $750 this year. Next year, I'm looking to save $600 for Christmas. I will just set aside $50 per month. Easy. Simple. Done!
I know some of you are going to start tracking snowflakes in the new year. Does anyone have a goal for the amount they want to accumulate? What will your snowflakes be used for?
The 2014 Snowflake Goal...It's BIG
December 28th, 2013 at 03:55 pm
December 28th, 2013 at 04:30 pm 1388248202
December 28th, 2013 at 04:35 pm 1388248550
December 28th, 2013 at 05:44 pm 1388252672
December 28th, 2013 at 06:32 pm 1388255539
I set a 2014 goal that's sort of related to snowflakes - by creating them. I will sell 10 items in our home that we don't use. I already have a buyer for the first one - a catcher's bag for a son who's decided not to continue baseball.
December 29th, 2013 at 03:15 pm 1388330146