If you find yourself with a gift card to a location you will not shop or dine at you might considered selling it for cash. You generally will not receive the full value of the card, but the cash in your pocket might be more useful for paying down debt or saving for that goal you are working on.
I suggest using Gift Card Granny to find gift card sites that will purchase your gift card. This site connects to many others so it saves plenty of time.
Today, I purchased a discounted gift card to Petco to make an online purchase of cat food. I stocked up and purchased two bags. I first went to Ebates to connect to Petco, where I hope to get 6% back on the purchase. Once I determined the amount of my order I browsed giftcardgranny.com for a card similar to that value. My order total was $67.39, with tax and free shipping. I purchased my gift card from giftcards.com at a 14% discount. The value of the card was $65.85, but I only paid $56.63. And if you are following the math, I did have to pay an additional $1.54 to complete the transaction. I did notice that giftcards.com took a lot longer to send me the gift card number than last time when I used cardpool.com. It still arrived on the same day.
I made the gift card purchase and the final $1.54 purchase on Petco.com with our Chase Sapphire card, since we are still working on meeting our $3K spending requirement. I think we still have over $2K left to go, although it seems our van will have a part replaced tomorrow, so that repair will lower the amount we need to spend some more.
Do you make efforts to buy discounted gift cards? Have you ever sold a gift card for cash?
Discounted Gift Cards
December 16th, 2013 at 10:18 pm
December 17th, 2013 at 12:01 am 1387238518
December 17th, 2013 at 05:30 am 1387258211