My snowflakes since January 1st are getting VERY close to the $3,000 mark. We have accumulated $2,943.23. Only $56.77 to go to make that milestone.
I sent in a recent accumulation of snowflakes to the mortgage. The amount was $42.85. That included Swagbucks, a couple Ebay sales, and a Pinecone survey.
That last Ebay sale had a non paying buyer. I received the fee credit back this morning. I have not decided whether to relist or not. I think I may need to be done until after the holidays.
I'm pretty sure I have some snowflakes in the pipeline. Just not sure what they are or when they will arrive, but I KNOW I can meet the goal by year end if not by the end of the month.
Over the weekend I bought two locally handmade soaps. They smell wonderful made with herbs. I may keep for myself or give in someone's stocking for Christmas. Our town has a rather new venue that is basically an indoor farmer's market. About half the space is supporting upstart businesses who are permanent. The other half is more traditional craft/farmer's market fare, which changes week to week. The facility also has a large culinary kitchen where you can take classes. It does feel good to support handmade and local items. Have you bought anything locally made recently? What did you buy and what type of event/venue was it?
$56.77 To Go And Handmade
November 18th, 2013 at 04:22 pm
November 18th, 2013 at 04:35 pm 1384792552
I haven't bought anything locally recently, although I was invited to a fayre but I'm working so I can't go. I will buy from this girl in the future though.
November 18th, 2013 at 05:04 pm 1384794290
pure soap is such a small luxury but only $5, smells heavenly, my favorite is bergamot
I am speaking to the East End city council this Thurs about 'Shop Local' and of course will emphasize the art and pottery guilds in my town.
It is a good feeling to support a family business
November 18th, 2013 at 05:42 pm 1384796540
November 20th, 2013 at 02:33 am 1384914785