Home > Family Pictures

Family Pictures

October 16th, 2013 at 01:04 am

I traveled to meet two good friends today. A little gas, and about $12 for a latte, sandwich, drink and brownie. Well worth the money and time spent to be with friends.

We also stopped in a Hallmark store, where I realized that I do have three birthday's to recognize next week. I bought three cards for about $5. Not too bad. I will use some of our recently earned gift cards to purchase gifts, although one may need to be cash.

We have an upcoming trip as a family where we hope to take a picture with extended family. We need to start looking in the closets to see if we have coordinating clothes in decent condition for the picture. I'm hoping only one or two of us need something. And I hope we can find those fast and inexpensive!

Do you take a family picture with any frequency? What kind of clothing do you opt for? Casual, or dressy?

3 Responses to “Family Pictures”

  1. snafu Says:

    DH who is is camera equipment care giver and family photographer usually sets a theme for family photos. Thanksgiving was celebrated yesterday shots.

  2. snafu Says:

    oops...Thanksgiving was celebrated Monday. Theme was 'this is work.' I was wearing sweats, an old T and hair was scary until I got the bird into the oven. DS2 set the table and looked worse. Friends and family were captured parking cars and hollering to one another and crowding in the door. Not looking forward to seeing resulting pics

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    snafu, ack...those aren't the kind of family pictures I'd want taken of me! I hope they end up being acceptable. Smile

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