Home > Spending Today

Spending Today

September 11th, 2013 at 04:47 pm

Thanks for the nice get well wishes. I did have a smoothie this morning. And I have been taking Vitamin C, among others, since day one of the cold. It is more of an energy issue than congestion, which is actually very minimal. I have done cardio at the gym each morning this week ranging from 20-25 minutes. Each day is a little better.

I filled up the tank with gas on the way to the gym and spent $51.04. After the gym, I stopped by Target for a few items, spending $45.42. I bought two items that were not on my list. One was a snack, which was probably not needed. The other item was buy 3, get a $5 gift card. Since we ALWAYS need these, I like to stock up during this promotion. The $5 gift card will get used and then added to the snowflake pile! My only regret is I didn't have the coupon that I usually use on that promotion.

Now time for chores! My motivation is that I will reward myself with a movie I borrowed from the library. Free rewards are good don't you think? Do you reward yourself for tasks that you dread?

9 Responses to “Spending Today”

  1. beawealthywarrior Says:

    I ALWAYS need them to so I will get some today when I return an item. I'm off to go put my coupon in my purse now Smile

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    I like that you know what I meant! Smile

  3. laura Says:

    Thanks for the heads up, gals. We ALWAYS use them, also. Might head over after I check my coupons stash. Smile

  4. Wino Says:

    One thing I really miss overseas are the sales where there are actually things on sale, and not just spoiled goods that they would never sell in the US at all.

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    Wino, I suppose that could mean you are getting things for the true market value, rather than stores that mark up, only to have sales that make us think we are getting a deal.

  6. PNW Mom Says:

    Glad you are feeling better!

  7. Miz Pat Says:

    I'm glad you feel better.

  8. beawealthywarrior Says:

    got my $5 giftcard Smile

  9. scottish girl Says:

    Glad you are feeling better Smile

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