Home > A Mess of Updates

A Mess of Updates

August 8th, 2013 at 04:58 pm

I have some random updates that are money related that I'll just throw out there for the enjoyment of those of you who like this kind of thing!

Last month a house just like ours, except for walkout basement vs daylight windows, sold for $5,500 more than what we purchased our home for last year. This is the amount ours was listed at but we negotiated down, but they didn't or couldn't. I'm thinking I can look at this as the current market value of our home, right? I like that kind of equity. Smile

I found out the information above when I went looking for our property tax amount online. Turns out they have not certified property taxes yet, thus no statement. I know the taxes will go up since this is a new home and we did get a reprieve last year. I want to know how much, so I can plan.

I sold those Box Tops for Education on Ebay. My net profit is $10.11, which I will add to the Snowflakes for Equity.

We had garage door issues recently. The opener wouldn't close the door. It would open, but not close. We tried all the trouble shooting tips for the sensors, but it was a no go. We purchased a new set on Amazon which arrived quickly with our Prime 2 Day shipping. We swapped out the sensor that was the problem and it worked!! Cost about $25. Annoying, but no big deal.

My daughter, age 16, finally decided to get her permit and is driving a little. We will need to get her signed up for driver's ed by the end of the month at a cost of $375. Steep, but probably worth the education she will get. Of course, I will put the fee on a credit card when the time comes to earn rewards and possibly a bonus!

I was notified by USAA that our next six month premium for auto insurance will be due in October. No change in the premium...just $433 for six months. This will go on a credit card, too! I'm sure once our daughter has her license the premium will go up...but by how much is the question.

I will try to make today a no spend day. I have paint I purchased last week that needs to be applied. Might as well take advantage of the cooler weather to get it done.

I noticed that iTunes gift cards are 10% off at Target this week. I hope to stop in to get at least one as a Christmas gift. I will use some of the Target gift cards I have to make the purchase.

Was that enough random updates for you? What was your favorite piece of information?

6 Responses to “A Mess of Updates”

  1. laura Says:

    My girl has her second Drivers Ed class tonight and is planning on getting her permit tomorrow. We paid $395 for two months worth of lessons that provide a certain amount of driving time behind the wheel.

    Thanks for the heads up on the Target iTunes cards. I wish I had the funds to pick a few up, but I might let my mom know.

  2. snafu Says:

    Do you follow home prices on free service. There is a lot of flex in valuations due to details like landscaping, decor/colors, staging, maintenance, trendy faucets, drawer/cupboard pulls and window coverings for example. I've seen buyers make the decision to buy a particular home because they loved the furniture which was not even part of the sale.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Zillow doesn't do a good job in this town of having any current information, so this isn't a Zillow comparison I'm talking about. The house is 'brand new'...same house built by the same builder. Our just built a year earlier. We had the same list price as their home was listed at, but we negotiated down. Either we are better at negotiating or he had a couple offers at once and they paid list.

  4. Miz Pat Says:

    I liked that you payed your insurance on your credit card. I never thought of that. Hmmmmmm. I wonder if STate Farm will let me do that.

  5. PNW Mom Says:

    Good luck with the driving! I remember when both my girls starting driving....I think that is scarier than dating! Both my girls took drivers ed and it is worth every will probably also save on your insurance when she gets her license. Also, having good grades will sometimes net you a discount also.

  6. IndianGal Says:

    I love reading details of how people use/spend money. So, thanks for sharing for our enjoyment. :-) Good luck with the daughter's driving. This will eventually end up saving you a lot of time. Driver's ed will definitely be worth it.

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