I received payment from an Ebay sale that ended on Sunday. Finally! It is hard to wait when you have no communication with the buyer. If I had to delay payment I would likely tell the seller WHEN I expect to pay. It just seems like a courteous thing to do. My profit is likely only a few dollars. I haven't mailed it yet, or paid my fees.
I received 100 Swagbucks yesterday from customer support for sending in my complaint about the content on some of the videos. I was assured that they intend Swagbucks to be G rated, or was it PG? They gave me the bonus SBs for my time and effort. Nice, huh? Did anyone else complain and get compensated?
Received Payment
August 3rd, 2013 at 03:05 pm
August 3rd, 2013 at 10:12 pm 1375567951
I've stopped using eBay, though due to many factors. One is the feedback model. I had a seller absolutely LIE in his response to the ONLY negative feedback I've ever given. There is no recourse for me to counter the lie. So now I am in a bad light from anyone who looks at my submittal and his lying response.
I feel libeled, and I have no recourse. I've bought nothing from eBay since that time, and won't buy again.
August 3rd, 2013 at 11:38 pm 1375573099