Home > Free Concert In the Park

Free Concert In the Park

July 29th, 2013 at 02:58 pm

I mentioned in my last post that my husband will be traveling for work. I guess one of the trips is cancelled...due to funding. So likely less savings if he is only gone one week.

I sold two items on Ebay last night. One person has paid. Waiting on the other. I also have one item with a bid that should end tomorrow. It's all moving along.

Today I need to get bills paid. I keep putting it off! Surprising, since I usually like to do it. I think it is just that I have other projects that are getting my attention. That bathroom painting has put my interest back on some improvements around the house and I would like to get a few things sewn and mailed to my sister. But I will pay the bills so I get work on the fun stuff!

We attended a free concert in a local park last night. Our daughter played with a flute choir ensemble prior to the city's municipal band concert. It was very good music and a cool beautiful evening free of bugs. Now I want to go to another one!!

Does your city have free music you can attend either indoor or outdoors?

2 Responses to “Free Concert In the Park”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Our city has municipal band concerts every week during the summer and I think once a month during the summer there is Blues in the Park.

    I sat and paid our bills yesterday and balanced the checkbook. Guess we are ready for another week! :-)

  2. IndianGal Says:

    My city has a lot of free concerts during the summer. I love them. We also have Shakespeare in the park and movie nights in the park after dark. All in the summer. You can't beat free entertainment. However, it's harder to find free stuff to do in the winter around here.

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