Home > Sold Two!

Sold Two!

July 24th, 2013 at 08:27 pm

I sold two of the CDs I listed on Ebay yeterday afternoon. They are already at the post office. Not sure the net, the gross sales of the two together was $13.62. This money goes to the Snowflakes for Equity, of course!

I got some motivation with this cooler weather to paint my daughter's bathroom. They have been asking and mentioning it for months! With paint and cool weather means open windows and no air conditioning. Might see how long we can keep them open, but allergies could become an issue.

A little spending because of the paint and trip an hour away, but it is all good! Trying to keep up with the Swagbucks codes today, but so far have two...oh well, I'll get goal done after the painting is done!

3 Responses to “Sold Two!”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    Good job on the painting! A cute color?

    We've also got the windows open, but DD has been in the Claritin. We went for a walk this morning with the dog, and it really keeps DD motivated to feel better. Where was Claritin when I was a kid?!

    New code now!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Good job on the CD sale as well as the painting. Are you going to publish before and after pix?

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    We're having cooler weather here in NM as well - rain even! It is so nice after the 90+ weather in Lincoln. Smile

    Great job on the CD sales!

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