Home > Birthday


July 5th, 2013 at 07:41 pm

It's my youngest daughter's birthday. She now I have two teenagers. Today is not really frugal. We have treated her to gifts, lunch out, and soon a movie at the theater. The most frugal part was homemade cupcakes and with frosting.

Last year on her birthday we were actually accepting delivery of our household goods, thus moving day put a crimp in the birthday celebration. We were able to unpack quite a bit of kitchen items and did get a cake baked. It definitely wasn't the same.

We will also be traveling back to our old town to meet up with her old school buddies for a party. We did call it a birthday party, but did ask only for 'presence not presents.' Her idea and a good one considering some of them she hasn't seen for many months. Email and texts do seem to keep the connections going.

In other updates, I still can't refer a friend to Capital One 360 as my checking account I opened is still in verification mode. I am waiting on deposit of some Swagbucks money...seems to be taking longer than usual. I also decided to leave that extra mortgage payment as is. I didn't even call. They money is there and isn't causing any harm to pay it early. I will just replace the money in our checking account when August payday arrives.

Do you sometimes splurge on birthdays? Or always? Or do you keep them simple?

2 Responses to “Birthday”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    We do a combination of splurge and simple for birthdays. I really enjoy doing a nice cake or cupcakes--and DD likes the birthday specials for her free meal at CPK. Happy birthday to your daughter!

  2. snafu Says:

    Please pass along Birthday best wishes to DD. I wish you much patience and and less puzzlement than I encountered with two teen sons. I swear teen boys spend more time primping in front of a mirror - any mirror than girls!

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