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A Little More Spending

May 7th, 2013 at 09:04 pm

I had to make another trip to the grocery store to pick up a few fill in items. A few things the girls needed for lunch primarily. I hope to make it a few more days before I need to go back. I plan to make that the final trip before this little spending experiment is over.

I spent another $21.74. Not bad for what I bought. Things add up fast though. Oh, and I did spend $20 for my daughter's flute lesson yesterday

$55.72 Previous Balance
$41.74 Grocery Store
$97.46 New Balance

My sister and I are getting my mom flowers for mother's day. I decided to put in up to $20. My sister will buy and deliver the flowers herself since she lives much, much closer than I do.

I bought some note cards and a small bar of soap to send to my mother in law. I used a gift card to buy these, at a cost of $12.73. I am not counting this cost towards my spending. I will count the cost to mail the package though.

I expect that tomorrow I will need to spend money on fuel for the van. I'm guessing this will be around $50.

I have noticed that I do make different decisions when I'm trying not to spend. My daughter had some ear buds break this weekend. It was an accident involving the cat. Instead of running out to buy a pair for $10, I lent my ear buds to her. We don't generally listen to music at the same time, so it works out. I will buy her a new pair after the spending freeze.

Have you ever done a spending freeze? How did it work out for you? When do you think is the best time to do one?

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