I'm doing a brain dump on ideas of ways to save. I want to help my sister. My sister works as a first grade teacher. Her husband has been unemployed for 15 months. Unemployment has stopped, although he has asked for an extention. He has been denied, and is currently appealing.
From what I've been told by my sister, they have reduced spending. Only recently did she cancel Netflix, but not cable. I did talk to her on the phone while she was in a drive thru the other night. She had just finished an 11 hour day and didn't want to cook. She mentioned getting her eyebrows waxed, apparently only twice a year.
Our husbands both had their birthday this last weekend. I asked if we should skip birthday giving this year. She had already bought an iTunes gift card. It was worth $25, but she used a $10 Target gift card she received free when she could a flu shot, so spent less. I sent my brother in law a $40 check since he turned 40.
I did tell her about the Chase Slate card with the zero balance transfer fee and 0% interest. She did apply and transfered a credit card balance. I mentioned that she might consider selling some old landscape rock that has been piled in her back yard. She said she thought that too, even though her original plan was to put the rock in other areas of their yard. Not sure if that plan has any legs.
They are a couple that seem slow to move on things, but I'm concerned that they will get futher in debt if they don't make some more drastic changes. So I'm just brainstorming for now based on what I know about her. I will let her know of things I think of when the situation arises.
Make own laundry detergent.
Don't buy greeting cards.
Skip birthday and holiday gifts.
Color her own hair.
Make a meal list, and a grocery list of low cost meals. Make meals ahead and freeze.
Buy a DivaCup (look it up if you want to know).
Ask for medication samples from doctor.
Sell things on craigslist (they have plenty to sell).
Stop drinking soda.
Refinance mortgage, if they can qualify on her income alone.
Sell one of their cars (husband bikes nearly everywhere anyway).
Sell used books.
Cancel newspaper, recycling pick up service.
Cancel cable.
Make own cleaning products.
No car washes.
Cancel landline (think it's bundled with internet though).
Skip all pedicures, manicures, and eyebrow waxes.
Okay...my brainstorm is done for now. I may add more later. I know you don't know my sister, but do you have any good ideas for the average american who's income has been cut in half?
October 25th, 2012 at 07:03 pm
October 25th, 2012 at 07:14 pm 1351188878
Don't go out to movies and restaurants; get good at having fun at home with stuff they already have.
See if they qualify for other types of public assistance besides unemployment.
Have husband offer his services to do odd jobs for acquaintances (raking leaves, mowing lawns, dogsitting, whatever he's good at).
Don't use credit cards; track all spending.
October 25th, 2012 at 07:26 pm 1351189617
October 25th, 2012 at 09:29 pm 1351196983
Sister and brother-in-law might enjoy the challenge of reducing spending by turning it into a game. if you slip into Saving Advice.com Frugal Q&A there are several lists of small savings which add up surprisingly. It's shocking how pennies into dollars.
Has DS changed tax withholding to reflect status as only wage earner? She needn't give the government an interest free loan. Some suggestions are to list non discretionary spending minimums mortgage, utilities, CC minimums, Insurance, auto payments etc. and subtract those from net pay. What remains is discretionary spending. A menu plan based on what is at hand plus loss leaders from the grocery is a big help in reducing spending. Just write 10 - 20 meals they'll eat and work from there. If DH can read, he can cook, all the recipes are on-line. www.cooks.com is easy peasy.
Assign DH responsibility to discover free, nearly free entertainment in their community. Most libraries are a huge resource for information and entertainment, DVD and CDs. They will need to carefully choose how to spend whatever remains. If they must cancel somethings...it's just temporary until the employment problem is resolved...it's not forever. DH needs a new routine with X hours devoted to his job search and X hours to home maintenance, meal prep & frugal challenge.
Wish them luck from me! We're all praying the economy will improve significantly.
October 25th, 2012 at 11:18 pm 1351203518
October 26th, 2012 at 01:41 am 1351212117
They definitely need to attack it from both sides--reduce spending and increase earnings. Could your sister do some tutoring jobs on the side (in person or online?) Could her husband get a part time job with a temp agency, even if it's not in his field? That would at least give them a little more income since his unemployment has stopped.
October 26th, 2012 at 03:24 am 1351218292
October 26th, 2012 at 03:57 am 1351220248
@TDG, agree on attack from both sides. I think with unemployment ending they haven't switched gears very fast to see that yet! He is definitely employable and wanting to work. I know she has mentioned tutoring before so maybe she is doing something on that end.