Home > An EXTRA Principal Payment

An EXTRA Principal Payment

October 24th, 2012 at 01:59 pm

I found some extra funds for the truck loan. The paypal proceeds from the last four sales for $107.55, and an excess in our escrow account for auto expenses of $33.50 are making this happen.

I just sent a total payment of $141.05 to the loan, which will bring our principal balance to $7,219.00! I will have another regularly scheduled payment after payday on the first of the month, which will bring the balance under $7K!

Things are moving right along and the little amounts do add up and make a difference. I can't wait to see how fast we can get this loan paid off.

6 Responses to “An EXTRA Principal Payment”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Feels good, doesn't it?

  2. twest Says:


  3. rob62521 Says:

    Way to go! I'm sure you feel like a success, as you should!

  4. wowitsawonderfullife Says:


  5. pjmama Says:

    Keep up the great work! Smile

  6. Looking Forward Says:

    You inspire me! Smile

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