Home > More Than Halfway to $400!

More Than Halfway to $400!

October 23rd, 2012 at 03:47 pm

I added up the purchases we have made on our Chase Sapphire card. We have spent $1,591.85, which puts us more than halfway to our goal of spending $3000.

Chase Sapphire will give us $400 in rewards for reaching that amount. We will definitely be putting that $400 bonus towards our truck loan payoff!

It looks like I just activated this account at the beginning of October! Geez...that is a lot of spending, but we are putting EVERYTHING on the card, including utilities, hair cuts, auto registrations, gas, and food. I will actually be running a couple errands today and putting more money on the card!

It feels odd to be promoting spending, but we do spend anyway, so the cash bonus at the end is a great incentive to get our loan paid off. I have a feeling I will have my husband apply for this card after we reach this first goal.

And by the way, for those of you who also have the Chase Sapphire card, what do you think that card is made of? It seems heavy and a bit like metal! It feels different than any card I've ever had.

6 Responses to “More Than Halfway to $400!”

  1. Blessed Says:

    That is a heck of a reward!!! As long as it is just your normal spending that is a big win!

  2. Xtreme Thunder Says:

    Sounds like you are moving along on the spend. We just received our check in the mail yesterday for the rewards for that card. Took us two weeks to spend the $3,000...Disney World vacation. If they want to give $400 for using the card for something we had budgeted to spend anyway, seems like a no brainer!

    Oh yes, we got questioned by everyone when we used the card on the weight and thickness! Appears to be some sort of metal almost.

  3. Monkey Mama Says:

    I have no idea - but even the girl at Burger King remembered me and my weird credit card. LOL. I just thought that was so funny. She said something like, "You are the one with the glass credit card!"

  4. creditcardfree Says:
    1351021135 I sure hope it isn't glass, but it is odd.

  5. Looking Forward Says:

    $400 = Yay! Smile

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:


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