I sold a coat on ebay last night. I may have under priced it, since it sold within two hours of listing it! Oh well, I tried to sell it for the same amount at a garage sale and it didn't go then. If it sells online for the same, I shouldn't care really.
Right now my two ebay sells have netted me $71.42 that will get sent to that truck loan!
So far no luck on those items I have listed on craigslist...as PatientSaver mentioned in the comments it may be a sign of the times. I don't even feel the items are listed high at all, but if you are watching pennies these items are likely wants rather than needs.
I still have three active ebay listings that have Buy It Now options, but the auctions are scheduled to end on Sunday.
I noticed recently that I have been a member of ebay since December 2001! I don't think I started selling right away, but I know I've been selling our used stuff since the girls were little, so it could be close to that date. How long have you been on ebay? Longer than me?
Sold A Coat
October 17th, 2012 at 06:02 pm
October 17th, 2012 at 07:18 pm 1350497893
October 18th, 2012 at 03:02 am 1350525759
October 18th, 2012 at 03:09 am 1350526189
You asked me in another blog if I had something to sell on ebay (re: free listing) - yes, I was thinking I might list some of the excess books from the library - especially if it is free listings.