Home > Sold A Coat

Sold A Coat

October 17th, 2012 at 06:02 pm

I sold a coat on ebay last night. I may have under priced it, since it sold within two hours of listing it! Oh well, I tried to sell it for the same amount at a garage sale and it didn't go then. If it sells online for the same, I shouldn't care really. Smile

Right now my two ebay sells have netted me $71.42 that will get sent to that truck loan!

So far no luck on those items I have listed on PatientSaver mentioned in the comments it may be a sign of the times. I don't even feel the items are listed high at all, but if you are watching pennies these items are likely wants rather than needs.

I still have three active ebay listings that have Buy It Now options, but the auctions are scheduled to end on Sunday.

I noticed recently that I have been a member of ebay since December 2001! I don't think I started selling right away, but I know I've been selling our used stuff since the girls were little, so it could be close to that date. How long have you been on ebay? Longer than me?

3 Responses to “Sold A Coat”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    You're just a selling fool! Keep it up!

  2. My English Castle Says:

    I bought my first ebay item for our wedding in the spring of 2001--so I'm right with you!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I just looked, and I saw that I've been a member since March 29, 2001.

    You asked me in another blog if I had something to sell on ebay (re: free listing) - yes, I was thinking I might list some of the excess books from the library - especially if it is free listings. Big Grin

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