Home > Dipping In for $400

Dipping In for $400

October 4th, 2012 at 04:25 pm

In light of the

Text is Slate card mishap and Link is
Slate card mishap, I decided to go a different route. Make money from spending, rather than save money from paying down debt. Odd I know!

I applied for the Chase Sapphire card and was approved. I haven't received the card, but I can see the account online. Odd also.

We will need to spend $3,000 in the next three months to earn $400 worth of rewards that can be redeemed for cold hard cash. Guess where this cash will go? Yep, a nice drop in the bucket on the truck loan when it is all said and done.

We need to pay our auto insurance premium ($420), vehicle registrations ($480) this month. We will also put our regular bills on the card amounting to about $400 per month. I expect we will also use it for everyday that we aren't tempted to buy something just to meet the $3000 minimum. It should go just fine.

After the rewards? Closing the account ASAP! It has a $95 annual fee after the first year. I may have my husband open one early in the next year, but it will depend on the offer at the time, how this dip works out, and if we think we can meet the minimum again at that time.

I don't really like messing with credit cards, but when you pay them off and earn some snazzy rewards at the same's hard not to! Bring on the $400!!

ETA: It came in the mail today. I activated it. I have changed all the auto bills to be paid with it and charged the electric bill already! I told my husband to use it for everything he normally would use it for until I tell him not to.

2 Responses to “Dipping In for $400”

  1. Xtreme Thunder Says:

    My wife and I just got done spending that for my Chase Sapphire card. I coordinated ours with a Disney World vacation this past 2 weeks. I paid it off today, points should show up shortly. I will cash out and close the card too. The $400+ will go toward subsidizing Phase 4 of 5 window purchase for the house.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Good plan!

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