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Already More Snowflakes on My Snowball

September 6th, 2012 at 06:26 pm

As I've mentioned before, I'm collecting small bits of cash, primarily from non-income/free sources to pay for Christmas 2012. I call these snowflakes.

I received notification of a deposit from Ebates into my paypal account. The amount was $18.11!! The rebate is from a purchase of two ceiling fans.

I also received $3 from Pinecone from completing a survey for them yesterday.

I'm transferring that cash to my bank account where I'm keeping track of all the Christmas money I have thus far.

And if I haven't mentioned it, I already redeemed $20 worth of Swagbucks for Amazon gift cards this month!! I am only 15 away from redeeming one more.

I hope to get some things listed on ebay or craigslist this weekend. That cash will go to pay for Christmas as well!

It's practically a snowstorm around here! How is your Christmas Fund?

1 Responses to “Already More Snowflakes on My Snowball”

  1. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    I just got a $83 snowflake by using a veteran exemption letter for retirees to register my car! I'm glad I learned about that exemption.

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