The army has finally paid the last of our moving entitlements. This one was for 10 days of hotel expenses, just over $1200. Yippee!!
I get frustrated at how slow and inefficient the system for these travel payments are. It doesn't help that my DH doesn't always fill the travel vouchers out correctly either. You would think he could get it right after 20+ years! I do give him a break on the moving ones, since we have only done that twice now.
We were busy here last week getting the girls ready for school. We only bought 'needs' for school clothes. Bought the supplies on the list. Now for school pictures! I always buy them, because the grandparents really seem to appreciate. I always think I will hang the pictures up, but I never do! I hope this year I will.
Do you buy the school pictures? Do you give the pictures away or just buy for yourself? If you don't buy them, do you do something else?
August 20th, 2012 at 12:32 pm
August 20th, 2012 at 01:15 pm 1345468514
Ah, the school pictures, and then the team sports pictures. Always seem to be a revolving door at my house Older daughter has her student ID and yearbook picture taken and couldn't decide if she wanted a package. I told her I'd take her to JC Penney's and we'd do a collage with a picture of her in her uniform, in casual school-related attire, and her Lacrosse uniform. Total cost for that will be $19.00
We usually send pictures monthly to the great-grandmother in California and the great-aunt in New York.
August 20th, 2012 at 01:45 pm 1345470319
August 20th, 2012 at 02:48 pm 1345474111
August 20th, 2012 at 09:04 pm 1345496667
I will be paying for my son's senior pictures this year though, since they're done at a studio and I don't have to pay unless I like them.
August 21st, 2012 at 02:42 am 1345516939