Home > Kids Need A Haircut? Free!!

Kids Need A Haircut? Free!!

August 14th, 2012 at 01:51 pm

I noticed in JC Penney's store a couple days ago that kids can get a free haircut in the month of August. You do need to call to schedule an appointment and it is for kids K-6.

Text is Here's a link to the Penney's website for more details. and Link is
Here's a link to the Penney's website for more details.

Turns out I already paid to get my girls haircut and they are over the cutoff in age as well. It's all good though. I hope someone else gets a chance to get something for free!

Did you already take advantage of the offer? Tell us about it!

2 Responses to “Kids Need A Haircut? Free!!”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I saw a commercial for this the other day. I wish I could have taken advantage of it!

  2. Looking Forward Says:

    Thanks! I'm going to set it up for DD! Smile

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