Home > The Guest Room

The Guest Room

July 23rd, 2012 at 01:35 am

The guest room was put together pretty quickly, but we think it turned out great for a first time visit. After all we just moved in just over two weeks ago!

Here are the pictures:

We bought the bed, sheets, bedskirt, gray blanket, comforter, two pillows and shams all new. Cost was nearly $1,000. The bookcase and items on it, lamps, black dresser, sheet as a curtain, knick knacks, cedar chest with blanket and white blanket also on bed were from our current stash of things.

My parents enjoyed their visit and said the bed was terrific. Firm, just like they like and apparently better than their current bed. Smile

9 Responses to “The Guest Room”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Looks great!

  2. Jenn Says:

    Nice! And a feline roommate is included! ;-)

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Cute! Are you closer to your parents since your move?

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    Beautiful! Well done. Smile

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    @MyEnglishCastle, we are actually 2 hours farther away from my parents than before. It is less likely to be day trips when they visit, therefore a bed was necessary!

  6. rob62521 Says:

    Well done! Looks very comfortable.

  7. My English Castle Says:

    Looks like great light in there--especially for a lower level room.

  8. patientsaver Says:

    Nice colors, and the behind of a kitty Smile Smile
    How about a nice framed something or other above the bed?

  9. creditcardfree Says:

    Thanks for all the positive compliments.

    @patientsaver, it definitely needs something on the wall. I'm a bit interested in making a headboard like some I've seen on Pinterest. I have to convince my husband to help me! Plus there are so many other things we need to do first.

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