Home > 1.35% Interest FNBO

1.35% Interest FNBO

July 20th, 2012 at 03:46 am

We received an offer by email from FNBODirect (First National Bank of Omaha) that we can receive 1.35% APY interest on new money above the amount we currently have in our account. This rate is a promotion rate for just six months. After that the money earns the current rate of .65%.

I was keeping my eyes open for good rates. I did see several CD's that were a similar rate, but lock the money in for two year or more. I think this offer seems like a good idea for at least the next six months for our house proceeds.

I'm more likely to get the money earning some cash with an account I already have open. In the meantime, fingers crossed, rates may go up a bit! I'm also willing to move the money before the six months are up, if I see an even better rate.

So, that's the plan for our excess cash for now. Is anyone else a FNBODirect investor? Did you get the offer?

I believe this offer is for current accounts, rather than a new offer on new deposits. Check the website to be sure!

2 Responses to “1.35% Interest FNBO”

  1. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    Check out Navy Federal, I noticed they had a 1 year CD earning 3%. I haven't looked into the requirements in detail yet.

  2. lori Says:

    Yes received the offer they said thisoffer is current customers. Also the 1.35 only applies to the new money desposited for 6 months only.

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