Home > Christmas Snowflakes for June

Christmas Snowflakes for June

June 9th, 2012 at 01:40 am

I received $3 from Pinecone this morning. I also redeemed Swagbucks for two $5 Amazon gift cards. A good start for accumulating snowflakes for the month of June.

I also made a sale. However, I seemed to have donated that book. I had to refund the buyer. I suspended the other book I had listed, since I won't have access to that while we are moving.

I have a box of other things that I'd like to sale on ebay and craigslist, but those will also wait until after the move. Something to look forward to!

2 Responses to “Christmas Snowflakes for June”

  1. SicilyYoder Says:

    Is a place to sell books, or do they accept other items?

  2. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    I got a check from Pinecone yesterday Smile

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