Home > Replace Garage Door Openers

Replace Garage Door Openers

May 15th, 2012 at 07:55 pm

We have been down to just one garage door opener for about two years. It has been no problem since both of our vehicles have the ability to sync with the opener.

Unfortunately I made a mistake with the remaining opener recently. I took it outside with me while I did some work in our far back yard. I wanted the garage door closed, but a quick way to get back in. Instead of keeping it with me I set it on my van hood near the windshield wiper.

Many days later, its raining and while I'm driving my daughter home from school something flies off the hood. I did think of the remote, but I was positive I had put it back in the house.

I didn't think to check when I returned home and now several days later I went to use the remote again and it is missing from its regular spot. Ugh!! No remotes now. And...we are selling the house and they need to be included.

I went to Sears and was quickly ushered to the remotes and told which ones would work since they no longer carry the original. They were $45 each!!! I paid. The computer froze up during the transaction and I paid again. Yep, I see two pending transactions. They said it might happen and one would drop off. Fingers crossed it will.

In the meantime, I did more research at home and found I could buy the original ones on ebay. I paid $45 for two new remotes...which included Priority shipping. Just saved $45 on a purchase I didn't want to make in the first place. Smile

Do you have an 'I lost my mind' story that cost you money?

1 Responses to “Replace Garage Door Openers”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    The week before DH and I got married, I was in full freak out. We had about a dozen folks flying in from the UK--all of whom had to be picked up at O'Hare, lots of folks coming in from MN and other places, the semester was wrapping up, and I was planning the wedding, rehearsal--and all the guests' activities myself. About four days before the wedding, I lost my key ring--everything from car, house, and office keys. I'm almost certain I threw them in the trash bin at the university. All in all, it cost over $100 to replace both sets of car keys, and the fine for losing my building keys. Thankfully the department admin took pity on me and "found" an extra set for both my office and the building.

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