Home > Tiny Snowflakes

Tiny Snowflakes

March 6th, 2012 at 05:55 pm

I redeemed my final $5 AGC from Swagbucks for the month of March. The other $20 worth I counted towards February, since that is when they were earned. I'd love to get enough by the end of the month to earn a $25 or $50 AGC. To meet that goal, I'm running Swagbucks TV while I'm spring cleaning.

I also earned $3 from Pinecone. I did notice that I actually earned $18 per month the last two months. Not bad. I hope March turns out to be similar.

It's a beautiful day here. I will walk outside with my neighbor and try to get some more cleaning in. So far I've done two sets of blinds and cleaned the upper kitchen cabinets. If I can get the lower cabinets done, I will try to touch up paint them later this week. It's the one dreaded task I have on my list. Cabinet painting. Yuck!

No word on orders yet, which is what is keeping me from doing much regarding selling the house. I will just keep plugging away on cleaning until then.

Anyone else getting the spring cleaning bug? What kinds of tasks are you working on?

3 Responses to “Tiny Snowflakes”

  1. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    Tiny snowflakes turn into big snowballs over time Smile

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Spring cleaning? Cleaning bug? What is that you speak of? Wink
    Hope you find out your orders soon!

  3. My English Castle Says:

    I spent a bit of time outside today after school clearing out some branches damaged from last Friday's heavy snow. But no cleaning bugs here yet!

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