I made my smoothie already today! Yummy.
This one is 259 calories and makes about 24oz:
1c water
2c spinach
1c frozen berries
1 banana
1 TBP chia seeds
It does look more brown compared to yesterday's smoothie because of the berries. It is much sweeter and more appealing to drink, too!
If you are interested in the health benefits of a smoothie, you should look for the book Green for Life, by Victoria Boutenko. It is on half.com for about $3.
Let me know if you try one, I want to know what you think!
Green Smoothie Challenge: Day 6 with Picture
February 6th, 2012 at 02:10 pm
February 6th, 2012 at 05:02 pm 1328547749
February 6th, 2012 at 05:13 pm 1328548383
To post pictures, instead of clicking 'save and publish', click 'save and add pictures'. Once you do this a search box will show up above the buttons that allows you to browse your computer for the picture. Find the picture and click open. It will then show up as a number with [img] around it. Copy the whole thing, and paste into your blog post. Click publish, or save as draft if you want to add another picture.
I hope that is clear!