I sold the last item on I had listed on ebay today. It ended at the Buy It Now price! We also sold a book on half.com this morning as well. Both items are already in the mail.
I paid the online fees to ebay. Ebay sales on two items netted $23.33. The half.com sales netted $9.91. That's $33.23 for the four items we sold. Happy. Happy!
In addition to the ebay sales money in my paypal account, I have $15 from Pinecone surveys. I will withdraw this money to my checking account. Once the half.com money arrives I will withdraw all of the money in cash to save for the Christmas Fund! I actually have a $9 rebate waiting to be withdrawn, too.
I believe the total cash I will be to save for the Christmas fund is just over $57! Now that is nice.
More Sales!!
January 11th, 2012 at 10:09 pm