I finally totalled up my receipts for Christmas spending. Not bad and definitely less than last year.
Total spent on gifts and miscellaneous related items was $611.68. This total already includes some gift cards and store coupons that were offered. That amount equalled about $144.54!! So I guess closer to $750 in gifts purchased.
We also accumulated cash from craigslist and the fall garage sale in the amount of $211. We sold on ebay, too. Funds from surveys added to a Paypal redemption of $74.32. One item had a rebate for $8.99. We accumulated another $95 in Target gift cards. We redeemed debit card rewards for $25. And I have to add in the $100 cash my MIL gave towards gifts, since those gift totals are included above.
The total above is $514.31!!
Soooo....Christmas was nearly free at a cost of $97.37. We paid just under 13% of the total cost of gifts out of our own funds. Amazing!
And I have to laugh a little because my first run through with the numbers led me to believe Christmas was free. I forgot to include the cash we are giving to nieces and nephews which equalled $105! Darn kids. Just kidding!!
So for those of you doing the Free Christmas 2012 Holiday Challenge, I definitely think it can be done. And I'm in for next year, too.
Christmas Nearly Free
December 23rd, 2011 at 10:36 pm
December 23rd, 2011 at 11:22 pm 1324682532
December 23rd, 2011 at 11:57 pm 1324684628
December 24th, 2011 at 04:55 am 1324702522
December 24th, 2011 at 01:32 pm 1324733561