Home > Purge Challenge: Day 8

Purge Challenge: Day 8

October 27th, 2011 at 12:56 pm

Today is the final day of the purge challenge. It's been fun and challenging. I'm glad I made the effort, but I'm ready to move on to other things. I'm sure you are ready to read other posts from me, too!

Here's the final purge list:
1 hand lotion
2 tubes expired ointment
1 clear bag
6 gift bags
1 pile of ribbon
1 set of gift tags
1 small gift box
2 rolls of gift wrap
1 pile of tissue paper and gift wrap scraps
21 pieces of paper

Again, I went above and beyond and found more than 27 items. Oops! I'm starting to wonder if that might be a point of the challenge to get you to find quite a few things, but find that you often exceed the goal. That can happen with any goal in my experience.

Thanks to all of you that have participated along with me. It was nice to have company! I'm glad I could help encourage you to purge. Will anyone continue to look for 27 items after today?

Last purge picture:

2 Responses to “Purge Challenge: Day 8 ”

  1. starfishy Says:

    Great job! The daily purging does seem to be getting tedious! I'm planning on finding 27 items this evening when I get home from work. I'm also planning on continuing the challenge for a few more days. I've been wanting/needing to start purging, so I might as well keep going while I'm on a roll. So glad you posted this challenge. For some reason it's easier to do knowing that others are out there doing the same thing - thanks!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    @starfishy, Your welcome! You are doing great too. If you report in, I'll cheer you on.

    My mom is going to keep going also. And she does have some things to purge.

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