I found some more things to purge from our home. I'll admit this list has quite a bit of paper in it, but it all counts. It doesn't make for the best picture, but here it is:
2 used batteries
22 pieces of paper
1 used spiral notebook
1 non working flashlight
1 empty toothpaste tube
1 car air freshner (too strong)
21 recipe cards
1 used diet journal
1 pair of pantyhose
1 scarf
2 calculators
The scarf and pantyhose were in places that I had already looked, but I looked again and there they were...more items to get rid of!
The diet journal...completely filled out in 2007. It doesn't have much use other than to remind me that I did lose weight at one time and what I ate then. That will be pulled apart and recycled.
I entered about half of the recipe cards into my
Why? Why does our house have 6 calculators? And why could I only part with two? Not sure, but for now I'm getting rid of two. (Hmm...maybe it is because I like to calculate numbers.)
So there is my 27+ items for today. There are still three more days left in the challenge. How are you all doing? What insights have you made?