Home > Purge Challenge: Day 1

Purge Challenge: Day 1

October 20th, 2011 at 05:18 pm

Okay I have my 27 items that are leaving this house. I just found the items as I was doing daily tasks this morning. As you can probably tell, these are the type of items that generally don't make the garage sale cut!!

Day 1
1 bag of freezer burned carrots (not in picture)
1 bag of freezer burned green beans
1 sponge
1 book
1 sewing machine box
8 pairs of socks
2 t shirts
5 pairs of underwear (not shown)
8 empty items to recycle

Oh look! That's 28 items. Can't wait to hear how you all do. Now here's the picture.

4 Responses to “Purge Challenge: Day 1”

  1. crazyliblady Says:

    You could try selling the book at www dot cash4books dot net. I am getting around $11.00 for selling two books there and they pay the shipping.

  2. starfishy Says:

    Ok, i joined in and recycled/threw out 28 pieces of paper and other assorted junk from my desk. thanks for the encouragement to purge!

  3. Nika Says:

    Good job!

    purging is hard.

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