Home > Mail Order Prescriptions

Mail Order Prescriptions

October 19th, 2011 at 04:04 pm

If I had to add anything to that previous list of 33 ways to reduce debt, I would suggest mail order prescriptions. Most plans offer this for ongoing prescriptions at a deep discount.

I recently just switched to mail order when I realized the price had increased again. The prescription (30 day supply) was usually $22 per month, but went up to $25. By mail order, I will get a 90 day supply for $25. Only $100 per year.

Do you realize the savings of that? I will save $200 per year by using mail order. That's huge!!

Why didn't I do this sooner? Because it seemed like a lot of work to contact the doctor for a change in prescription. This time the online site contacted my doctor for me. Easy!!

How much do you or could you save with mail order prescriptions?

5 Responses to “Mail Order Prescriptions”

  1. Miz Pat Says:

    I tried with my health care provider and there is no savings.

  2. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I have done this before, but I can't come up with the $350 all at once so I had to go back to the pharmacy. My savings weren't that great.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    @NGG, your 90 supply would be $350? I don't know what your savings would be to try mail order, but it might be a good idea to make this a goal to save up for at some point.

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Our mail order is the same as our regular. The only difference is I'd be able to get 90 pills at a time for some things. I have two prescriptions that won't allow you to have more than 30 at a time, even mail order. We used to have a really good mail order pharmacy program with our old insurance, but with this one there is no value in it.

  5. HouseHopeful Says:

    I really enjoy the mail order services. I do get a savings for using it. I have the same discount if I use Caremark pharmacies for 90day prescriptions, but there are none in the area (read 25 minutes away) so I utilize the mail order.

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