Home > How To Not Spend Money

How To Not Spend Money

September 22nd, 2011 at 09:06 pm

This week has seen very little spending. Can you say $5 for concessions for DD to attend a school social and $4 for a few loaves of bread? I expect some of that concession money back, too!

I know you want to know the big secret of staying out of the stores. Right?

Cleaning windows and blinds. Yep, that is the secret. I'm spending a majority of my free time this week cleaning each and every slat on our blinds. I'm also cleaning the windows inside and out. On many windows this involves removing the window and cleaning the track they slide on, too. It is a dirty job. But one that must be done...especially if the house is to go on the market soon.

Nope. Still don't know where we are going. We hope to be moving in January. Not that I like the idea of moving during the winter. At all. Unless I'm moving somewhere warmer!!

My advice this week: stay home, clean something, and save some money!!

2 Responses to “How To Not Spend Money”

  1. livingonless Says:

    That's a hard job. I hope your house sells quickly and for what you need it to go for.

  2. laura(momcents) Says:

    How true! I'm having overnight guests this weekend and hosting a party for my boys (though small), so I've been cleaning and organizing, spending only what I need to (gift for girls' friend, trumpet for son, Cub Scout patches for boys). No recreational spending here either!

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