Home > Moving Money

Moving Money

July 8th, 2011 at 02:27 pm

My husband leaves today for school. We are sad here. He's leaving too soon after returning from overseas. However, it has been in the cards for awhile.

I came across a form he filled out requesting a Do It Yourself Move (DITY). He estimated he would move 1000 pounds. The estimated payment for that amount is $1141.68.

Yesterday he weighed the truck and trailer, empty and then full. The packed amount weighed 980 pounds. Of course, in the meantime, he's packed a vacuum, winter coats and his final suitcase. Thus more weight. I guess he should have waited to weigh it right before leaving.

So those 980 pounds are very close to the estimate, and I now feel confident we will make some money off the move. He already spent $396 for the trailer rental, a dolly rental, purchased a hitch, a couple of boxes and minimal insurance on the trailer. It also cost $10.50 to weigh the truck and trailer twice.

Although the estimate is for just a little over the amount we packed, I expect the amount to be very close to the estimate. So maybe we'll make $600-$700 that will be taxable. It depends on a few other expenses that will occur on the way.

In other news, I bought a tv from Goodwill. We have a plasma tv in our living room and one tv in our bedroom, that we turn on for weather information. Yesterday, my husband packed that bedroom one up. On a whim, I decided to check Goodwill and found a 20 inch tv for $7.99. We hooked it up to our antenna and digital converter and it works great. DH should not need the converter or antenna as the apartment complex he is moving to provides cable free of charge.

5 Responses to “Moving Money”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    ((HUGS)) Sorry he had to leave so soon.

  2. LittleGopher Says:

    Yes, hugs from here too... take care!

  3. laura Says:

    So sorry to hear that your husband is leaving again. But this is one step closer to being together full-time. What are your plans for visiting? Have a good day and know we're thinking about you.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry he had to leave so quickly; I know you'll miss him greatly. However, try to think about why he's going and the great future ahead. Hang in there.

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    It's hard having a spouse gone so much of the time. I sympathize.

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