You know that you can get a free copy of your credit report once each year from each of the three credit reporting agencies, right? If not, there is a central site called that provides access to all three credit reporting companies.Today I was reminded by my online calendar to check our credit reports at Experian. I will get the same reminder in four months to check another one of the credit reporting companies. In one years time, I will have checked our credit reports at all three agencies. You can look at your report at each company all in one day if you prefer. However, you will have to wait another year to get free access.
Please be aware that the site is secure and that it is perfectly okay to enter your social security number at this site only.
It appears all the information on our reports is fine, as expected. However, I was reminded of two revolving credit accounts with two retailers we rarely do business with. I think it is time to close those.
Do you check your credit reports regularly? If not, why?
June 1st, 2011 at 12:04 am 1306886643