Home > DVD's Turned to Cash

DVD's Turned to Cash

May 26th, 2011 at 12:32 am

Less than a month ago, we cleaned out our entertainment center and found about 20 items to get rid of. Mostly DVD's. I listed them all on Only one sold in the last few weeks.

I guess I didn't have the patience to wait for the cash. Today, I boxed up 11 of the DVD's and mailed them to I will receive $38 plus credit to cover the shipping cost. I requested the deposit to my paypal account.

There were 8 items that were not worth more than $0.25 each. I left them up on If they don't sell, I'll donate them.

I'm slowly working on getting rid of the clutter. The girls rooms need major help! I'm just sure there is something to sell in there.

1 Responses to “DVD's Turned to Cash”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Way to go!

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