Home > First Truck Payment

First Truck Payment

May 18th, 2011 at 12:51 pm

Our first truck payment was made yesterday. We paid $311.29 to principal. The interest was $17.84, which is a partial month worth of interest. We bought the vehicle at the end of April.

Our new loan balance is $14,465.39.

I could complain that we are paying off debt again, but I won't. I'm completely aware that this was a choice and a purchase we feel very pleased and confident about.

I'm editing to add: I actually think we could call this the second truck payment. Wasn't the first the $12,000 we put down? Yes. I think so!!

1 Responses to “First Truck Payment”

  1. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    I wish you and your family luck with the new truck !

    There are no rules - just guidelines - at the end of the day, you and your husband know what is best ! :-)

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