Our siding and window man came back with an estimate to remove and replace siding on the front of our house and replace our sliding glass door: $2,779.
It's about $1200 more than I wanted to shell out. However, I do trust that this man will fix the leaks we have been having. This has to be done to eliminate issues when we go to sell the house next year. Apparently, the leaks are very common with houses as old as ours, since the builders didn't wrap houses the correct way then.
We just need to let him know that we want to proceed with the work. The work does not include painting the new siding, but it might be something we can do ourselves. Of course, he recommended someone too. Last year we had the whole house painted...so it is a bit ironic. At least we have some paint to work with.
Ah, the joys of home ownership!
The Estimate
May 12th, 2011 at 02:14 pm