Home > Selling DVD's

Selling DVD's

May 8th, 2011 at 08:16 pm

We decided to clean out our entertainment center last night. The girls and my husband found over 20 items to get rid of!! I checked an online site that pays cash. Their offer is about $42.

For now, I will list the items on first to see if I can get a little more with a direct sell. Anything left over in a few weeks will get sold to the online site for cash.

I'm on to declutter other areas. No plans for a spring garage sale, but I might consider a summer of fall one if I find enough items. Otherwise, those items will also be donated.

I think I have some possible ebay items that I would like to get posted by next Sunday. I need to find where I put them!

Happy Mother's Day to all my SA friends!!

2 Responses to “Selling DVD's”

  1. mjrube94 Says:

    Check out secondspin .com. I've used them a few times. Prices vary, but it's worth a shot...

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    I've used them too! And they are who gave me the $42 offer. I'm just going to wait on for awhile. I have sold one DVD.

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