Home > Paychecks Going Lower

Paychecks Going Lower

May 2nd, 2011 at 08:43 pm

Since my husband is now home from deployment we expect to see his paycheck amounts go lower. He no longer qualifies for tax exemption, or combat pays, worth nearly $1100 per month. Boy, it sure was nice!

I will need to rework the budget in light of lower paychecks, a new loan and an upcoming move for DH. I expect the next year to be tight particularly because of the move.

It seems I will need to start watching those pennies a little closer. I might need to decide about canceling the newspaper and the landline. So hard to give up, especially when those would only save us $50 or so a month. I would expect the groceries may be the bigger issue. It seems everytime I go to the grocery store in the last month some item has increased dramatically. Yesterday, it was shredded cheese. I will need to watch for these items on sale and stock up!

I know some of you reading have already cut back in light of job losses and paycheck reductions. It now appears to be our turn. Any advice?

2 Responses to “Paychecks Going Lower”

  1. debtfreeme Says:

    I have to admit I rarely buy the shredded cheese but shred it myself. Yesterday when at the store i noticed the two pound block ( I buy and freeze it when it is going to be cooked) was the same price as the shredded. I "treated" myself and bought the shredded!

    As for your question, I have no ideas you probably haven't thought of before.

  2. Homebody Says:

    I watch the sales an stock up! Thanks to DH.

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