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What extreme measures would you take?

February 4th, 2011 at 08:06 pm

We still have mortgage debt. We might have more vehicle debt in the future. I just wonder if there is more that we could do to really go extreme and save more money. Money that we could use towards debt payoff.

There are so many things we don't buy: hair coloring, cable tv, fast food, monthly haircuts (more every three months here), and more. It seems like there are more, but when you don't buy something it is hard to remember!

However, there are things we could cut back on. Netflix, newspaper, caller id, cell phone plan, wine, gym membership, pop, automatic car washes, lawn fertilizer, flowers, trips to the swimming pool, museum membership, long distance plan, internet (!), using our gas fireplace, vitamins and supplements, coffee, allowance for the kids, occassional meals out, new printer paper, craft items, gum, candy and so forth. I'm sure there are more here. Obviously, some of these would require lifestyle changes. Would they be worth it. How long would we have to do without?

I'm just thinking about it since our mortgage is over $130K, and I'm tired of paying it. I'd like to look at this question from both angles. If you are in debt, what extreme cost cutting measures are you taking to get out of debt? If you were in debt at one time, what did you do without to make the goal?

How extreme do you go?

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